Adrian Mole has entered early middle age and is now 'the same age as Jesus was when he died' (33). Father to the grammatically challenged Glenn, and William, who takes a 'Big Boy Arouser' condom to nursery school as his... Čítať ďalej
Adrian Mole is an adult. At least that's what it says on his passport. But living at home, clinging to his threadbare cuddly rabbit 'Pinky', working as a paper pusher for the DoE and pining for the love of his life, Pandora... Čítať ďalej
The day her children leave home, Eva climbs into bed and stays there. She's had enough - of her kids' carelessness, her husband's thoughtlessness and of the world's general indifference. Eva's refusal to behave like... Čítať ďalej
Vynikajúci kultový román so skvelým anglickým humorom. Trinásťročný Adrian vtipne komentuje každodenné zážitky zapisuje ich do svojho prísne tajného denníka. Považuje sa za nepochopeného... Čítať ďalej