Ashokan Farewell-
City of Savannah-
Čarodějnice z Amesbury-
Da Tuskar-
Do Tambóírín Poirt-
Drowsy Maggie-
Duše mé lásky-
Dva havrani-
Farewell to Erin-
Galvestonská záplava-
Give Me Your Hand-
Jackie Colema´s Reel-
Johnny Hugo's Favourite-
Krutá matka-
Lark in the Morning-
Lord Maxwell-
Maggie in the Woods-
Maids of Mitchellstown-
Merrily Kiss Ihe Quaker's Wife-
MissRowan Davies-
Mladý Walter-
Moming on the Distant Shore-
Neklidný hrob-
Off to California-
Orkney Anthem-
The Acrobat-
The Butterfly-
The Cannaughtman's Rambles-
The Cup of Tea Set-
The DarkGirl-
The Ennis March-
The Humours of Carrigaholt-
The Humours of Tulia-
The Piper's Despair-
The Peeler's Jacket-
The Scartaglen Slide-
Tři cikání-
Whelan's Frolics