Let’s all go to the Big Apple! Come with us on our A-Z journey to one of the most exciting and fun cities in the world. Let’s all go to the Big Apple! Come with us on our A-Z journey to one of the most exciting and fun cities in the world. Do you want to know what’s the tallest building in New York? Or what New Yorkers like doing in their free time? Would you like to learn about the food people eat in New York ? Or which famous people are from this city? You can discover the answers to these questions and learn much more about the people, places and things in the city that never sleeps. Enjoy the book! Enjoy New York!
Poďme všetci do Veľkého Jablka. Vydajte sa s nami na poznávací zájazd do jedného z najvzrušujúcejších a najzábavnejších veľkomiest na svete.
Chcete vedieť, ktorá budova je v New Yorku najvyššia? Alebo čo radi robia Newyorčania vo voľnom čase? Či aké jedia jedlo? Akí známi ľudia tu žijú? Toto všetko a ešte viac zistíte o meste, ktoré nikdy nespí. Užite si knižku! Užite si New York!