PB3 finds that recycling definitely has advantages! But will it help him find what he needs to fix Robin? When PB3’s robot, Robin, stops working, the doctor on Planet P3 tells PB3 to throw her in the rubbish and buy a new robot. There is a needle made of wood that is broken and cannot be replaced because there are now no trees on Planet 3. PB3 goes off to Earth to look for a needle made of wood to save his friend. During his search he finds out about recycling and also about children who collect things to sell on rubbish tips. Will the children be able to help PB3 and will PB3 and Robin be able to help the children?
PB3 zistí, že recyklovanie má mnoho výhod! Ale nájde to, čo potrebuje, aby opravil svojho robota?
Keď robot Robin prestane fungovať, doktor z Planéty P3 povie, aby ho PB3 zahodil do koša a kúpil si nového. Pokazila sa v ňom drevená ihla, ktorú nemožno nahradiť, pretože na Planéte 3 nie sú stromy. PB3 sa vydá na Zem, aby našiel takúto ihlu a zachránil kamaráta. Vtedy zistí, čo je to recyklovanie. Pomôžu mu deti, ktoré recyklujú, zachrániť Robina a bude robot schopný deťom pomôcť?