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Domov > Medical law interdisciplinary
Kniha: Medical law interdisciplinary - Karol Tóth

Medical law interdisciplinary

Vydavateľstvo: HERBA, spol. s.r.o.
Dátum vydania: 2017
33,51 €
Bežná cena: 38,96 €
Dostupnosť: Posledných pár kusov na externom sklade
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O knihe: Medical law interdisciplinary

ALMANAC of contributions from the International Scientific Seminar held on 27 - 28 January 2015 at the Slovak Medical University in Bratislava on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Department of medical law. Preface From forensic medicine to biolaw (instead of introduction) prof. JUDr. Karol TÓTH, PhD., MPH Non-pecuniary health damages under the new civil code MUDr. Mgr. Jolana TĚŠINOVÁ, JUDr. MUDr. Roman ŽĎÁREK, Ph.D., MBA Medicines in physician practice - selected legal aspects MUDr. Pavol TRNOVEC, JUDr. Ivan HUMENÍK, PhD. The relationship between a patient and a health care provider mis a consumer relationship JUDr. Radek POLICAR Legal particularities of providing emergency health care to Jehovah's witnesses MUDr. Ingrid OLEJÁROVÁ, MPH Reporting obligations of healthcare professionals in prevention of transmitted diseases RNDr. Ivana PAGÁČOVÁ, PhD. Civil liability of healthcare staff JUDr. Ladislav JANČO, MPH Legal aspects of doping a physician´s point of view prof. MUDr. Ladislav PYŠNÝ, CSc., MPH Payment of health insurance as a condition to the provision of health care JUDr. Katarína BELEŠOVÁ, MPH The regulation of sales and consumption of alcoholic beverages in Slovakia doc. PhDr. Róbert OCHABA, PhD., MPH Legal liability in general health care from a point of view of cases from applied practice Mgr. Dalibor MAŤKO Legal aspects of the process of categorization of medicines in Slovakia MUDr. Igor NOVÁK, MPH Responsibility of healthcare workers in social service facilities after amendments to the act on the medical-social field Mgr. Daniela PALÚCHOVÁ, PhD., MPH Vaccination in Slovakia during legislative changes PharmDr. Peter ŠPRINGER, MPH, MBA Implementation of patients' rights in healthcare doc. PhDr. Anna MAZALÁNOVÁ, PhD., MPH, Mgr. Veronika KITOVÁ MAZALÁNOVÁ, PhD. Legal awareness of Slovak patients in the context of education PharmDr. Dominik TOMEK, PhD., MPH, Ing. Mgr. Kristína TOMEKOVÁ, MPH Legislation on ex vivo transplantation and transplantation ex mortuo JUDr. Pavol KÁDEK, PhD. Specifics of work in the field of anaesthesiology and intensive medicine in terms of responsibility of healthcare professionals MUDr. Monika ŠTEFANOVÁ, PhD., MPH Legal aspects of the introduction of motorbike rescue health services in Slovakia MUDr. Géza REITER, MPH, Ing. Marián HUDÁK, MPH
EAN: 9788089631469
Počet strán: 200
Rozmer: 148x210 mm
Väzba: Brožovaná
Hmotnosť: 0 g
Jayzk: EN Anglický Jazyk
Rok: 2017
Žáner: Medicína
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