Kniha oslavuje eleganci Východu a dokumentuje, jak jí lze dosáhnout od thajských látek a keramiky po barmské sochařství a minimal. japonské interiéry. Věnuje se především inovativním západním interiérům, které se inspirovaly východem. Text v angličtině.-p-This sumptuous book celebrates Eastern elegance as a decorative style and illustrates how it can be achieved in both the East and the West, from the refined craftsmanship of Thai textiles and ceramics to traditional statuary from Burma and the minimalist perfection of a Japanese apartment. Much of -In the Oriental Style- is devoted to innovative Western interiors which draw their inspiration from Oriental design and objects. In this title, a wealth of individual pieces antiques, ornamental screens, lacquerware, basketry and furniture is illustrated and described, showing the enormous variety in decoration that even the simplest objects can bring to a Western home or garden.