O knihe: When Space Meets Art/When Art Meets Space
How long ago have you been to an exhibition or an event? What information and amusement you get from it? Did you enjoy it? We are thrilled to present you our latest title When Space Meets Art/When Art Meets Space which leads you to taste and feel all sorts of events comprehensively. -p-An exhibition, a party or any kinds of event can encompass all design areas. For many of us who usually focus only on the exhibited items or the subject of events, few of us ever pay attention to the whole design environment. This title will guide you to look and feel it through two key components: spatial design and graphic elements. From 3D to 2D, it demonstrates how structural work including venue setups from exterior to interior makes the whole event outstanding and turn into exceptional eye-catching fascination and how graphic elements from venue decorations to promotional items makes consistency to reflect the whole event concept and affect the affiliation from the exhibited subjects to audience. By that, the title ultimately reveals how these objects affect your sense and blow up your impression to particular events.