Fact #1: Forty years after the feminist revolution, fewer than 2 percent of Fortune 1000 CEOs are women. Fact #2: The playing field is not level. Fact #3: You need to get over this. Chairman of the flagship office of the largest advertising agency network in the world, Nina DiSesa is a master communicator, a ceiling crasher, and a big-time realist. In -Seducing the Boys Club,- DiSesa shows you how S-M-seduction and manipulation-is the secret to winning over (and surpassing) the big guys. She asserts that women need to meld their -female- characteristics (nurturing, compassion, intuition) with -male- traits (decisiveness, focus, confidence, humor) to expand their professional horizons. DiSesa also shares her practical, outrageous, and even controversial maxims for making it, including - Learn to appreciate men. Men like women who like them. - Remember that women are biologically wired to succeed. - If you want to make a name for yourself, find a mess and fix it. A secure and comfortable job only holds you back. - Act brave and you will look brave. - Screw the rules. Make up your own. Whether dead-on funny or deadly serious, DiSesa is always on her game, always on message, and absolutely on target as she arms women (men, too!) with the can-do confidence and no-compromises attitude they need to climb as high as their ambition can carry them-while keeping their standards impeccable and their integrity intact.