O knihe: Batman Volume 5 Rules of Engagement. Rebirth
When Catwoman accepted Batman's marriage proposal, she changed more lives than just Bruce Wayne's and Selina Kyle's. A union between the World's Greatest Detective and one of Gotham City's fiercest criminals is a shake-up that will rattle everyone in the Dark Knight's life--from the young vigilantes who make up his surrogate -family,- to his legendary friends in the Justice League, to old demons he'd long hoped to leave behind. Now Batman and Catwoman are on a quest for redemption--a mission deep into a forbidden desert fortress to evolve into something better before they say, -I do.- Standing in their way is...well, everybody, including Batman's lethal ex-girlfriend Talia al Ghul.
From desert sands to boardwalk lights, will the Bat and the Cat's search lead them to happiness at last?
Find out in Batman Vol. 5: Rules of Engagement, a major new chapter in the lives of the Dark Knight and his feline fianc e from the acclaimed creative team of Tom King (Mister Miracle) and Jo lle Jones (Supergirl: Being Super), with guest artists Clay Mann and Lee Weeks! Collects Batman #33-37 and the critically acclaimed tale from Batman Annual #2.