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O knihe: The loves i have lost
War is perverse and we must finally learn to prevent it, instead of just coping with the tragedies it brings about. Juraj
My mum told me I would cry and I wouldn't be able to put the book down until I finished it and she was right.
No, this is not an ordinary story. You will not reach a peace of mind until you read the book. And then not at all, either.
Oh my goodness! Your story is just incredible! I felt so many emotions: anger, sadness, joy and love. Mylena Ann
My reading was slow, I admit. After a while I cried like a little boy. I couldn't control myself, I just couldn't. Dušan
Your book is an absolutely triumph. It should be read by every student in Slovakia. It is a fantastic combination
of personal testimony and historic facts. Jonathan
This is a story of a family affected by the atrocities of war. But also a story about the belonging, bravery and courage
of ordinary people who selflessly help others in hard times. Despite depicting the frenzy of war, the message of the
book is positive, with images of life before and after the war filled with love and compassion.
The book is enriched with many photographs and documents.
We want to donate the books to schools and libraries to aid critical thinking and moral attitudes of
young people, to inform about the Holocaust, and to fight against supremacism, racism and prejudice.
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