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Domov > Restoring Comenius
Kniha: Restoring Comenius - Kuras Benjamin

Restoring Comenius

Vydavateľstvo: Ideál
Dátum vydania: 29.03.2023
8,41 €
Dostupnosť: posielame do 14 - 28 dní
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O knihe: Restoring Comenius

Benjamin Kuras is truly restoring Comenius - not only from scattered fragments into a unified piece of work, but also from a humble position of a hard-working educationalist to a well-deserved place among the world's leading thinkers. Kuras re-discovers Comenius as a surprisingly modern holistic and universalist philosopher, and a passionate healer of humanity's woes, whose ideas have matured to revelance for the 21st century. In Kuras' highly readable, entertaining and suspense-filled narrative which makes dramatic use of all the main events, acts and ideas that drove Comenius' life - from a small town in persecuted Moravia across Europe to the metropolis of freedom and creativity that was Amsterdam - Comenius comes alive as an indefatigable campaigner for freedom and tolerance, dignity of each individual and unfettered creativity, balanced by discipline, humility and kindness of spirit. From the abundance of Comenius' complex writings, Kuras' book extracts the clarity, simplicity and brevity needed to make Comenius accessible to the distracted and impatient reader of our time.
EAN: 9788086995038
Počet strán: 143
Jayzk: Anglicky
Rok: 2023
Žáner: Angličtina ( tituly v Anglickom jazyku)
Typ: Paperback
Pre objednávky nad 30€
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