In the early 1990s Andy Goldsworthy was invited to propose a project for Cumbria, a region of outstanding natural beauty where the landscape has been moulded for centuries by agriculture and in particular by sheep-farming... Čítať ďalej
The journeys that people, rivers, landscapes and even stone take through space and time are central to this book. Passage is an eloquent testament to Andy Goldsworthy’s determination to both deepen and extend his... Čítať ďalej
The dizzying combination of street-level fashion, outré couture and re-mixed, fast-forward youth culture in Tokyo’s Harajuku neighbourhood has made it an international style capital. -p- Tokyo Street Style... Čítať ďalej
This is the ultimate in fashion illustration: 280 stunning sketches by a galaxy of international fashion designers – a must-have for anyone interested in fashion or the art of illustration.-p-Sixty celebrated... Čítať ďalej
Vizuálně skvěle upravená kniha názorným způsobem představuje používání barev nejen v interiérech, ale i v přírodním a městském prostředí. -br-This visually thrilling book showcases the... Čítať ďalej
Kniha zkoumá vztah mezi architekturou 20. a 30. let a se zaujetím tohoto období o zdraví, čistotu, čerstvý vzduch a sluneční svit. A jakým způsobem hygienistické hnutí inspirovalo architekturu k čistým... Čítať ďalej
In February 1998, I was invited to create an exhibition entitled Appointment at a house at 20 Maresfield Gardens, London, where Dr Freud lived and died. After having a vision of my wedding dress laid across Freud’s... Čítať ďalej
První publikace, která přibližuje trendy 21. století v tvorbě vertikálních zahrad na fasádách kancelářských center, hotelích, muzejích atd.-p- Vertical gardens are an exciting means of bringing... Čítať ďalej
Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa´s forty-year career has become legendary. Beyond Bawa considers his continuing influence through the work of contemporary architects working in the region. -p-Bawa achieved... Čítať ďalej
Meziválečná střední Evropa dala vzniknout fotografii jako formě moderního umění. Nastartovala fantazii stovkám progresivních umělců napříč Rakouskem, Československem, Německem, Maďarskem... Čítať ďalej
StyleCity Europe provides the ultimate compilation of fourteen European destinations, including six exciting cities new to the series – Antwerp, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Rotterdam and Vienna. With maps, over... Čítať ďalej
A new global street culture has emerged, uniting the world's diverse subcultures. Graffiti and skateboarding, DJ-ing, fashion and printmaking – this packed book celebrates the street as a stage for the creativity... Čítať ďalej
More than 300 superb full-colour illustrations of hard-hitting propaganda and groundbreaking graphic art encompass unforgettable images such as Alfred Leete’s “Your Country Needs You” as well as documentary... Čítať ďalej
This book explores signage as a point where graphic design and architecture come together. The author begins by describing the basic rules of signage design – signs must be visible but not distracting, informative... Čítať ďalej
Na více než 200 fotografiích jsou představeny ikony -domů ze skla- od realizací Mies van der Roha přes Oscara Niemeyera a Richarda Rogerse až po Normana Fostera a jeho návrhy domů na japonském venkově... Čítať ďalej
Publikace představuje 16 nejpozoruhodnějších australských mladých architektonických ateliérů a jejich 60 projektů.-p-This book explores the sixteen most exciting young architectural studios in... Čítať ďalej
Textiles owe their development to religion, commerce, exchange and travel, and their vibrant and creative preservation to tenacious regionalism. Artists and designers from India, Mali, Madagascar, Morocco, Burkina... Čítať ďalej
Surrealism in Belgium provides the first account of the entire movement from the 1920s to the present day. Lavishly illustrated and drawing on many previously unpublished documents and accounts by those involved... Čítať ďalej
Over the last 30 years, Martin Puryear has created a body of work that defies categorization, creating sculpture that examines identity, culture and history. Departing from the impersonal and machined aesthetic... Čítať ďalej
Known for his revolutionary typefaces, Jonathan Barnbrook is the most sought after contemporary graphic designer working across a broad range of disciplines including graphic design, industrial design, typeface... Čítať ďalej