Vytáhl meč z pochvy, jeho zuřivost ožila v okamžiku, kdy se rukou dotkl jílce.
Ozval se charakteristický zvonivý zvuk a během pár vteřin se k němu seběhli všichni gardisté Prvního kruhu.
Richard... Čítať ďalej
Vše je ztraceno. Zlo postupně pohlcuje D’Harskou říši. Válečný čaroděj Ri-chard Rahl leží na pohřební hranici. Svět živých se hroutí a zaniká.
Zůstala jen Kahlan Amnell, poslední zpovědnice... Čítať ďalej
Richard, nyní lord Rahl, a matka zpovědnice Kahlan vzdorují morové nákaze, která se šíří městem Aydindril i celou zemí. Tuto epidemii na svět uvrhl šílený císař Jagang, vládce Starého světa... Čítať ďalej
Richard Cypher porazil svého zlého otce, čaroděje Darkena Rahla. Přitom však natrhl oponu mezi světy, a Strážce podsvětí chce ovládnout svět živých. Příběh začíná v Paláci lidu v D'Haře... Čítať ďalej
Beginning with Wizard's First Rule and continuing with six subsequent fantasy masterpieces, Terry Goodkind has thrilled and awed millions of readers worldwide. Now Goodkind returns with a broad-canvas adventure... Čítať ďalej
With Wizard's First Rule and seven subsequent masterpieces, Terry Goodkind has thrilled readers worldwide with the unique sweep of his storytelling. Now Goodkind returns with a new novel of Richard and Kahlan, the... Čítať ďalej
On the day she awoke remembering nothing but her name, Kahlan Amnell became the most dangerous woman alive. For everyone else, that was the day that the world began to end. As her husband, Richard, desperately searches... Čítať ďalej
Return to the world of Richard Cypher, whose adventures have stirred the blood and filled the hearts of legions of satisfied readers. When Richard was a simple woods guide, he never dreamed he would get caught up in magic... Čítať ďalej
The epic finale to the THE SWORD OF TRUTH series: 16 volumes 20 years in the making, 26 million copies sold. Soulmates, pawns of prophecy and inheritors of an ancient conflict, Richard and Kahlan's destinies have been... Čítať ďalej
FAITH OF THE FALLEN took The Sword of Truth into a new decade and onto new heights of intense, thoughtful and meaningful fantasy while never losing sight of the need to tell a compelling and sweeping story. THE PILLARS... Čítať ďalej
An Epic of Two Worlds In a world as rich and real as our own, Richard Rahl and Kahlan Amnell stand against the ancient forces which besiege the New World-- forces so terrible that when last they threatened, they could only... Čítať ďalej
From internationally bestselling author Terry Goodkind, comes this outstanding epic adventure set in the captivating world of his classic Sword of Truth novels
The final book in one of the greatest epic adventures of all time: The Sword of Truth, from bestselling fantasy author Terry Goodkind. Descending into darkness, about to be overwhelmed by evil, those people still free... Čítať ďalej
From internationally bestselling author Terry Goodkind, comes this outstanding epic adventure set in the captivating world of his classic Sword of Truth novels
From internationally bestselling author Terry Goodkind, comes this outstanding epic adventure set in the captivating world of his classic Sword of Truth novels