The image of the young girl is sideways. Her blue eyes are clouded like they've been submerged in milk. They stare into the lens of the camera and it's as though she's looking directly at me, calling out for help, twenty-three... Čítať ďalej
Sarah Morganová je úspěšná a mocná právní zástupkyně ve Washingtonu D.C. Ve svých
třiatřiceti letech je partnerkou ve firmě a její život vypadá přesně tak, jak si plánovala.
To samé ovšem... Čítať ďalej
'HOOOOLY MOOOOLY. My jaw is on the floor. What. A. Wild. Ride. I need to go stare at the wall in the dark for a few minutes... I read this book in ONE day because I couldn't put it down! The ending?! ??' Reader Review, Vacation... Čítať ďalej
Your husband's mistress is dead. And you're his lawyer...Sarah Morgan is a successful and powerful defense attorney in Washington D.C. As a named partner at her firm, life is going exactly how she planned. The same cannot... Čítať ďalej