Annie has a secret. But if she's not going to tell, we won't either. It's a heart eaking secret she wishes she didn't have - yet Annie isn't broken, not quite yet. Especially now there's someone out there who seems determined... Čítať ďalej
Kate a Annie majú svoje tajomstvá, s ktorými sa vyrovnávajú každá po svojom.
Annie Mulhollandovej na jej siedme narodeniny zomrela mama a stál za tým muž. V dospelosti sa preto uzavrela pred mužmi zo strachu... Čítať ďalej
Sally is a woman of many (hidden) talents.
She's been working as wardrobe mistress at the Royal Opera House, not telling a soul she's a damn good singer. But then, she's only able to sing if she's shut inside her wardrobe... Čítať ďalej