Project third edition encourages students to enjoy the process of learning, through updated content and a wealth of materials. It motivates students with engaging texts, topics, and activities across all five levels... Čítať ďalej
Project Third edition is based on the best-selling Project course for students aged 10-15.
The new edition has been revised and updated to meet the needs of today´s classrooms following extensive research among... Čítať ďalej
Project third edition is based on the best-selling Project course for students aged 10 - 15.
The new edition has been revised and updated to meet the needs of today´s clasrooms following extensive research among Project... Čítať ďalej
Project third edition is based on the best-selling Project course for students aged 10-15.
The new edition has been revised and updated to meet the needs of today´s classrooms following extensive research among... Čítať ďalej
Tried, tested, trusted ... and now even better!
Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers. The tried and... Čítať ďalej
Project, 4th Edition Level 3 Workbook + CD (SK Edition) + Online Practice – pracovný zošit + CD + kód so vstupom do online platformy. Obsahuje cvičné úlohy a testy ako príprava na Testovanie 9. Žiaci sa oboznámia... Čítať ďalej
Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers. The tried and tested methodology, together with the wide range of material... Čítať ďalej
Viac o knihe Project, 4th Edition 4 Workbook + CD (SK Edition) + Online Practice (Hutchinson, T.)
Project, 4th Edition Level 4 Workbook + CD (SK Edition) + Online Practice – pracovný zošit + CD + kód so vstupom do... Čítať ďalej
Project, 4th Edition Level 5 Workbook + CD (SK Edition) + Online Practice – pracovný zošit + CD + kód so vstupom do online platformy. Obsahuje cvičné úlohy a testy ako príprava na Testovanie 9. Žiaci sa oboznámia... Čítať ďalej
Projekt je pětidílná učebnice angličtiny, jejíž první díl je určen pro začátečníky. Základní témata, se kterými učebnice pracuje, motivuje studenty k aktivnímu používání angličtiny... Čítať ďalej
Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers. The tried and tested methodology, together with the wide range of material... Čítať ďalej
A five-level course for 10 - 15 year olds, based on the highly popular and innovative Project English, incorporating a new structure and design, complete revision of the original material, plus substantial new material... Čítať ďalej
Tried, tested, trusted ... and now even better!
Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers. The tried and tested methodology... Čítať ďalej
Pracovný zošit k učebnici anglického jazyka Project 1 - Third edition. Prílohou pracovného zošita je CD-ROM s gramatickými cvičeniami, tematickou slovnou zásobou a posluchovými cvičeniami. Na konci... Čítať ďalej
This edition of Hotline contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section: reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model... Čítať ďalej