Kdo chce přežít studenou válku, musí být tvrdší než železná opona…
Podzim 1961. Protože útěk z čerstvě zazděného východního Berlína skončil katastrofou a tamní rozvědka síť jeho... Čítať ďalej
Musí špehovat špehy. A odhalit krtka tak, aby neodhalil sám sebe.
Fiasko operace Svědectví na území normalizačního Československa špičkám londýnské MI6 napoví, že uvnitř něco nehraje... Čítať ďalej
Nejnovější dílo klasika špionážních románů.
Uprostřed noci propašují do Hamburku vyhladovělého mladého Rusa v dlouhem černém kabátě. V peněžence zavěšené na krku má uschovanou neuvěřitelnou... Čítať ďalej
'When I was under house arrest I was helped by the books of John le Carré ... they were a journey into the wider world ... These were the journeys that made me feel that I was not really cut off from the rest of humankind' Aung... Čítať ďalej
Předloha špionážního filmu s Garym Oldmanem a Colinem Firthem v hlavních rolích
George Smiley je sice muž schopný nekonečného soucitu, ale jako špion dokáže být i cílevědomým a nemilosrdným... Čítať ďalej
Soon to be a MAJOR FILM starring Philip Seymour Hoffman and Rachel McAdams
A half-starved young Russian man in a long black overcoat is smuggled into Hamburg at dead of night. He has an improbable amount of cash secreted... Čítať ďalej
Nat, a 47 year-old veteran of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, believes his years as an agent runner are over. He is back in London with his wife, the long-suffering Prue. But with the growing threat from Moscow... Čítať ďalej
Nat, a veteran of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, thinks his years as an agent runner are over. But MI6 have other plans. To tackle the growing threat from Moscow Centre, Nat is put in charge of The Haven, a defunct... Čítať ďalej
In Silverview John le Carré turns his focus to the world that occupied his writing for the past sixty years - the secret world itself.
Julian Lawndsley has renounced his high-flying job in the City for a simpler life... Čítať ďalej
A counter-terror operation, codenamed Wildlife, is being mounted in Britain's most precious colony, Gibraltar. Its purpose: to capture and abduct a high-value jihadist arms-buyer. So delicate is the operation... Čítať ďalej
Julian Lawndsley has renounced his high-flying job in the City for a simpler life running a bookshop in a small English seaside town. But after only a couple of months into his new career, Edward, a Polish emigre, shows... Čítať ďalej
An illegal Muslim immigrant arrives in Hamburg with a traumatic past and the key to a fortune held in a private bank. He says his name is Issa. To the idealistic young human rights lawyer Annabel, determined to save him... Čítať ďalej
A collection of letters from John le Carre, one of the greatest British novelists of our time, and a fabulous letter writer, spanning decades from his childhood to the Cold War to his final years
John le Carre was one... Čítať ďalej