General English in a professional context
This completely revised Interantional Express meets all the practical language needs of adult professional learners. The series retainsthe popular student-centred... Čítať ďalej
Kniha pokrývá všechny aspekty jednání v angličtině: různé typy setkání, pořádání a přípravy na setkání, společenská jednání, řízení a účast na diskusích... Zvláštní důraz... Čítať ďalej
Linking life and work
General English in a professional context
This completely revised Interantional Express meets all the practical language needs of adult professional learners. The series retainsthe popular... Čítať ďalej
Linking life and work
General English in a professional context
This completely revised Interantional Express meets all the practical language needs of adult professional learners. The series retainsthe popular... Čítať ďalej
Linking life and work
General English in a professional context
This completely revised Interantional Express meets all the practical language needs of adult professional learners. The series retainsthe popular... Čítať ďalej
General English in a professional context
This completely revised Interantional Express meets all the practical language needs of adult professional learners. The series retainsthe popular student-centred... Čítať ďalej
The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels.
With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust.
The... Čítať ďalej