Traja rozprávači na prelome rokov 1961/62 píšu tri knihy románu Psie roky, ktorý vychádza v roku 1963, a tak sa v predvojnovom, vojnovom a povojnovom období stávajú kronikármi „psích rokov“ dvadsiateho... Čítať ďalej
On his third birthday, at three feet tall, Oskar decides to stop growing. On the same day, he receives his first tin drum. Together with his piercing scream, he wields his drum as an anarchic weapon, drawing forth memories... Čítať ďalej
Gives the reader an insight into a key moment in the life of modern Europe. This title also provides an insight into the creative process as the reader witnesses ideas for novels occurring and then taking shape. It presents... Čítať ďalej
To compensate for his unusually large Adam's apple - source of both comfort and stress - 14-year-old Mahlke turns himself into an athlete and ace driver. Soon he is known to the nation as -The Great Mahlke- but remains... Čítať ďalej
Der verzweifelte Kampf um Integration
Aus der Rückschau des Jahres 1959 erzählt Pilenz vom bewunderten und verachteten Klassenkameraden Mahlke im Danzig der Kriegszeit, den sein übergroßer Adamsapfel zum... Čítať ďalej