Táto kniha nám podáva historicko-psychologicko-filozofické autorovo vnímanie farieb. Dielo je rozdelené do jednotlivých kapitol a podkapitol s rozsiahlym materiálom , registrom, odkazmi na odporúčanú... Čítať ďalej
Trnavská univerzita je (po krátko trvajúcej Universitas Istropolitana 1465 – 67/1491) druhou najstaršou univerzitou na území Slovenska (1635 – 1777) a v čase svojej najväčšej slávy predstavovala... Čítať ďalej
This book is centred around the examination of whether it is possible to find cognitive aspects or purposes in aesthetic judgements and in perceptions of beauty, and whether it is possible to meaningfully develop cognitive... Čítať ďalej
The book is a second volume of the project, which is focused on a systematic examination of aesthetic experience by the unification of philosophical and cognitive-scientific approaches to beauty and aesthetic experience... Čítať ďalej
The monograph outlines the dual role of mathematics in relation to beauty. On one hand mathematics refers to an objective, through mathematical formulas expressible side of beauty. On the other hand, it points out... Čítať ďalej
In the book, we shall attempt to focus attention on two basic factors of aesthetics as a philosophical discipline. The first is the presentation of the fundamental historical concepts within the aesthetics of German... Čítať ďalej
The presented book is a direct sequel to the previous collections of studies “The Cognitive Aspects of Aesthetic Experience - Introduction” (2017) and “The Cognitive Aspects of Aesthetic Experience - Selected... Čítať ďalej
The monograph presents psychological interpretations of the specific reactions of individuals within the perception of attractive human faces. It concentrates on exploring selected attributes of human face that... Čítať ďalej