Své krátké texty z posledních let, které až dosud vyšly jen časopisecky nebo jako e-knihy, shrnul John Connolly do sbírky nazvané Noční hudba. Vypráví v nich o bytostech, jež se ukrývají v zimních... Čítať ďalej
The Number One bestseller. It is spring, and the semi-preserved body of a young Jewish woman is discovered buried in the Maine woods. It is clear that she gave birth shortly before her death. But there is no sign of a baby... Čítať ďalej
NO ONE EVER FORGETS MEETING THE SISTERS STRANGE ... The Furies: mythological snake-haired goddesses of vengeance, pursuers of those who have committed unavenged crimes. Now, private investigator Charlie Parker... Čítať ďalej
Twice upon a time - for that is how some stories should continue . . . Phoebe, an eight-year-old girl, lies comatose following a car accident. She is a body without a spirit, a stolen child. Ceres, her mother, can only sit... Čítať ďalej
Twice upon a time - for that is how some stories should continue . . . Phoebe, an eight-year-old girl, lies comatose following a car accident. She is a body without a spirit, a stolen child. Ceres, her mother, can only sit... Čítať ďalej